中文语言与文化课:幼儿班到九年级 (九月到六月)

18 学生 enrolled
  • 描述
  1. 时间:周六下午1:30-3:30
  2. Date: Saturdays (No classes on Statutory Holiday Weekends)
  3. Location: St. John XXIII Edmonton Catholic School (Southwest Edmonton, Windermere area)
  4. Teachers: Certificated Teachers with teaching experience
  5. Curriculum of Alberta Education : https://education.alberta.ca/media/160446/chinese-language-arts-kindergarten-to-grade-9.pdf
  6. ACCES Grade Levels are following as references:

 (所有报名以下课程的学生可以免费参加2023-2024学年的书法课,HSK辅导 班以及优先有资格参加“寻根”夏令营)

  • 幼儿中文班:4-6岁零基础中文。不会读写,能听/说简单的字/词/句子。


Kindergarten Class: Chinese class for children aged 4-6; basic Chinese; cannot read and write; able to understand simple words and sentences.

(Limited to 10-12 children, if more than 12 children are registered, two classes or additional teaching assistants will be considered).

  • 一年级中文班:能听懂日常对话;用中文进行简单交流;可以写简单的基本的字;可以读单个字/词。

Grade 1 Chinese class: Can understand daily conversations; communicate in simple Chinese; can write simple basic characters; can read single words/phrases.

  • 二年级中文班:能听懂并能进行简单的日常中文交流;能识读部分拼音;可以根据拼音试读简单的中文故事;可以写出基本的日常生活相关的汉字,词组及五个字的句子。

Grade 2  Chinese class: able to understand and carry out simple daily Chinese communication; able to read some pinyin; can try to read simple Chinese stories according to pinyin; can write basic Chinese characters, phrases and five words related to daily life word sentences.

  • 三年级中文班:能听懂并能进行日常中文交流;会拼读拼音;能熟练写出日常生活中常用到的汉字,反义词,及词组;能组十个字的句子;能借助拼音进行中文阅读。

Grade 3  Chinese class: able to understand and communicate in daily Chinese; able to spell and read pinyin; able to write Chinese characters, antonyms, and phrases commonly used in daily life proficiently; able to form ten-character sentences; able to use pinyin Read in Chinese.

  • 四年级中文班:能听懂简单的中文小故事;能进行简单的中文儿歌背诵;可以借助拼音读简单的中文课外读物;熟练使用汉语拼音;能熟练写出日常常用汉字,词组,短语,及短句子和100字以内的短文。

Grade 4 Chinese class: Can understand simple Chinese stories; can recite simple Chinese nursery rhymes; can read simple Chinese extracurricular readings with the help of Pinyin; can use Chinese Pinyin proficiently; can write commonly used Chinese characters, phrases, and phrases proficiently, and short sentences and be able to complete 100 words paragraph.

  • 五年级中文班:能进行日常的中文听说;借助拼音能阅读中文故事;熟练使用汉语拼音;可以熟练地写出日常汉字;可以自由组词组,造句子,并能完成100-200字的作文。

Grade 5  Chinese class: able to do daily listening and speaking of Chinese; able to read Chinese stories with the help of Pinyin; proficient in using Chinese Pinyin; proficient in writing daily Chinese characters; able to form phrases and sentences freely, and be able to complete 100-200 words composition.

  • 六年级中文班:能听懂中文故事;可以进行流畅的中文交流;能读较长的中文短文;可以写几个段落。

Grade 6 Chinese class: able to understand Chinese stories; able to communicate fluently in Chinese; able to read long short Chinese texts; able to write several paragraphs.

  • 七年级中文班:能听懂较长的中文故事并能试着复述。能读懂短片故事并能写3-5个短的段落。

Grade 7 Chinese class: Can understand long Chinese stories and try to retell them. Can read short stories and write 3-5 short paragraphs.

  • 八年级中文班:能听懂寓言故事,并能较准确地复述故事;能读懂简单的中国古典故事;能熟练写500字以内的段落。

Grade 8 Chinese class: Can understand fables and retell the stories more accurately; can understand simple Chinese classical stories; can write paragraphs within 500 words proficiently.

  • 九年级中文班:能听懂较复杂的的中文话题讨论;能用中文对具体话题进行展开讨论;能读中文短文章。能根据规定题目,完成500-600字的小短文。

Grade 9 Chinese class: able to understand more complex Chinese topic discussions; able to discuss specific topics in Chinese; able to read short Chinese articles; can complete short essays of 500-600 words according to the prescribed topics.


Basic Chinese for Adults: Learn Chinese from scratch, including pinyin, strokes, reading and writing Chinese characters, words, sentences, and essays. Focus on listening and speaking, strengthen reading and writing.


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