Alberta Chinese Cultural Education Society

Alberta Chinese Cultural Education Society (ACCES) was registered in 2001 as a non profit organization. It was approved by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a charitable organization in 2021. For the past 23 years, ACCES has been providing services to more than 6000 members in the community. In 2023, the Alberta Education approved our application for being a funded and accredited Alberta Heritage Language School, which will provide online and in-person Chinese Language and Culture credited courses to Grade 10-12 in Alberta. The ACCES Chinese School for Preschool to Grade 12 students, even for adult students without providing credits is still a non-profit school under ACCES. There are four sections under ACCES: ACCES Chinese School, Alberta Heritage Language School, Beyond Language and Culture Education, Sports, Workshops, and Activities.

Here you can review some statistics about ACCES


Total Programs
Total Participants
Total Volunteers

2022 ACCES Youth Soccer

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International Volunnteer Day on Dec. 5, 2022

Volunteers are the Backbone of our Society. We are celebrating volunteers’ contribution to the community twice a year in May and December. Thank the support from the Volunteer Alberta, we have had four times of Volunteer Appreciation Events for the past two years. Volunteers Rock!


Body Cameras on Public-School Educators

Some of can’t rely on stable worlds economic, so learn, learn and learn everything new, this will help you anytime, dont be upset, believe yourself even in dark times!

Parent Testimonies


Alberta Education

Alberta Education

City of Edmonton

City of Edmonton

Edmonton Community Foundation

Edmonton Community Foundation

Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission

Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission

Volunteer Alberta

Volunteer Alberta

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